What is a Frisbee Scramble?
Ultimate Frisbee, also known as Ultimate, is a team sport in which players use a frisbee to play on the field. The rules of the sport combine elements of basketball, American football, and other sports, and players can run, jump, throw, and catch the frisbee on the field, requiring teamwork to perform offense and defense.
Each team consists of seven players, and the field is divided into halves, with each team playing offense or defense on their own half. Players pass the frisbee to the attacking area of the opposing team and score by catching it in the attacking area. A round ends when a team cannot pass the frisbee to the next player within ten seconds, the frisbee is intercepted or drops to the ground, goes out of bounds, or an offensive player catches the frisbee outside the attacking area.
Ultimate Frisbee is a sport that requires physical fitness and skills, while also being a fun activity. Participants can practice their physical coordination, teamwork, strategy, and communication skills during the game. Therefore, Ultimate Frisbee is becoming increasingly popular globally, attracting more and more people to participate.

What is the Frisbee club doing?
Warm-up: Members pair up and warm up by throwing and catching Frisbees. We also provide special guidance for beginners to help them quickly get started.
Running and passing practice: Members practice dynamic passing with their teammates. One member runs in a designated direction, and the other throws the Frisbee in their forward direction.
Tactical instruction and defensive drills: Each team in Ultimate Frisbee has their own tactics, and during this time we will teach our mysterious tactics in detail.
Finally, there will be a scrimmage: Members participate in an actual Ultimate Frisbee game to gain experience and grow stronger from the competition.

Can I meet friends from other schools in the Frisbee club class?!
At the end of the semester, our club will have a friendly match with the Frisbee club of the other school, not only to check the learning results of this semester but also to meet good friends from other schools!