社團課程Club courses
The content of social classes includes basic movement teaching, physical training, muscle strength training, core training, target kicking practice, restraint sparring, sparring technical operation, assistance for promotion/promotion, poomsae teaching, training on moving, etc.

社團時間/地點Club time/location
- 星期一、星期三晚上6:30~8:30
- 星期一:行政大樓 B1韻律教室
- 星期三:頂埔道館 (社員會一起搭車)
(p.s 期中、末週停練,讓大家專心準備考試及報告)
Club hours are Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 in the evening
Monday: Administration Building B1 Rhythm Classroom
Wednesday: Dingpu Daoguan (community members will ride together)
(p.s Mid-term and weekend training are suspended, let everyone concentrate on preparing for exams and reports)

- 全國大專校院運動會
National College Games
- 大專校院跆拳道錦標賽
College Taekwondo Championships
- 全國大學跆拳道武鬥祭
National University Taekwondo Martial Arts Festival
- 大學跆拳道新人賽
University Taekwondo Rookie Competition
- 中華盃品勢比賽
Chinese Cup Poomsae Competition

社團聚餐Community dinner
Regularly hold new/old-off events, and major festivals will also hold events for everyone to have fun together and enhance the relationship between members!
社長的話 Deep talk
The Taekwondo Club is a big family. It is the best place to relax physically and mentally after class. It is a club that encourages and learns from each other. No matter whether you have a foundation or not, as long as you are interested in Taekwondo or sports and fitness, the Taekwondo Club family will open your arms enthusiastically. Welcome to join us!